Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hydraulic Oils

Hydraulic Oils

TURALIK adalah pelumas hidrolik industri berkualitas tinggi dari produksi Pertamina yang diformulasikan dari base oil yang berkualitas tinggi dan dari jenis High Viscosity Index yang mengandung aditif seperti anti wear, anti oxidant, anti corrosion, anti foam, pour point depressant, non zinc anti wear dan aditif lainnya untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap keausan, perlindungan terhadap karat dan korosi, serta oxi-dation stability yang baik. Standar pelumas dan aditif pilihan yang terkandung didalam pelumas TURALIK telah dibuktikan melebihi persyaratan berbagai tipe sistem hidrolik industri serta menunjukan kemampuan yang sangat baik pada filtrasi, sifat melepas udara dan penghantar panas serta memiliki sifat pemisahan terhadap air dan sifat pembusaan untuk memastikan kualitas yang maksimal pada sistem hidrolik.
TURALIK C is industrial hydraulic oil formulated from high quality High Viscosity Index (HVI) mineral base oil which contains performance additives such as anti rust, anti corrosion, anti foam, pour point depres- sant and special non zinc anti wear and anti oxidant.
TURALIK C Series meets the requirement of Denison HF-O, Vickers I-286S, M-2950-S and Cincinnati Milacron (P-69 for Turalik C 68) and DIN 51524 HLP 2.
TURALIK C Series is recommended for hydraulic equipment with silver plated components.
TURALIK is industrial hydraulic oil formulated from high quality, High Viscosity Index (HVI) mineral base oil which contains performance additive such as anti wear, anti oxidant and other additive which provide excellent wear control, good oxidation stability, rust, and corrosion protection.
TURALIK series approved by Industrial hydraulic equipment such as Denison HF-O, Vickers I-286S and M-2950-S, Cincinnati Milacron (P-68 for Turalik 43, Cincinnati Milacron P-69 for Turalik 52, Cincinnati Milacron P-70 for Turalik 48). Those approval shows that Turalik quality meets international standard and proven by well recognised equipment manufacturer. Turalik also meet DIN 51524 part 2 specification.
TURALIK is recommended for general hydraulic equipment with circulated or bath lubrication systems. They should not be used in equipment with silver plated components.
 Hydraulic Oil

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